
Baker CA*, Guan X-J, Choi M, Murthy M*. The role of fruitless in specifying courtship behaviors across divergent Drosophila species. Science Advances 2024, 10, eadk1273. *, corresponding authors

Baker CA, McKellar C, Pang R, Nern A, Dorkenwald S, Pacheco DA, Eckstein N, Funke J, Dickson BJ, Murthy M. (2022) Neural network organization for courtship-song feature detection in DrosophilaCurrent Biology 32:3317-3333.
Dispatch: Auditory processing at synaptic resolution
Simons Foundation News: New efforts to relate brain structure and function reveal surprising properties of neural circuits

Dorkenwald S*, McKellar C*, Macrina T*, Kemnitz N*, Lee K*, Lu R*, Wu J*, Popovych S, Mitchell E, Nehoran B, Jia Z, Bae JA, Mu S, Ih D, Castro M, Ogedengbe O, Halageri A, Kuehner K, Sterling AR, Ashwood Z, Zung J, Brittain D, Collman F, Schneider-Mizell C, Jordan C, Silversmith W, Baker CA, Deutsch D, Encarnacion-Rivera L, Kumar S, Burke A, Bland D, Gager J, Hebditch J, Koolman S, Moore M, Morejohn S, Silverman B, Willie K, Willie R, Yu S, Murthy M, Seung HS. (2021) FlyWire: online community for whole-brain connectomicsNature Methods 19:119-128. *, equal authors.

Baker CA, Clemens J, Murthy M. (2019) Acoustic pattern recognition and courtship songs: insights from insects. Annual Review of Neuroscience 42:1.

Baker CA, Carlson BA. (2019) Electric Signals. In: Choe JC (Ed), Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior (2nd ed), vol 1, pp. 474-485. Elsevier, Academic Press.

Baker CA, Ma L#, Casareale CR#, Carlson BA. (2016) Behavioral and single-neuron sensitivity to millisecond variations in temporally patterned electric communication signalsJournal of Neuroscience 36:8985-9000. #, undergraduate co-author.

Baker CA, Huck KR#, Carlson BA. (2015) Peripheral sensory coding through oscillatory synchrony in weakly electric fisheLife 4:e08163 [featured in PhysOrg, Electronics Weekly, Newswise, Futurity, redOrbit]. #, undergraduate co-author.

Baker CA, Carlson BA. (2014) Short-term depression, temporal summation, and onset inhibition shape interval tuning in midbrain neuronsJournal of Neuroscience 34:14272-14287.

Baker CA, Kohashi T, Lyons-Warren AM, Ma X, Carlson BA. (2013) Multiplexed temporal coding of electric communication signals in mormyrid fishes. Journal of Experimental Biology 216:2365-2379.

Baker CA, Montey KL, Pongstaporn T, Ryugo DK. (2010) Postnatal development of the endbulb of Held in congenitally deaf catsFrontiers in Neuroanatomy 4:19.  

O’Neil JN, Limb CJ, Baker CA, Ryugo DK. (2010) Bilateral effects of unilateral cochlear implantation in congenitally deaf catsJournal of Comparative Neurology 518:2382-2404.

Ryugo DK, Baker CA, Montey KL, Chang LY, Coco A, Fallon JB, Shepherd RK. (2010) Synaptic plasticity after chemical deafening and electrical stimulation of the auditory nerve. Journal of Comparative Neurology 518:1046-1063.

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